It is important to note that this company is not authorised or regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) or subject to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) or the Financial Services Compensation Scheme meaning investment are considered high risk. We are regulated by the Property Ombudsman Service and comply with regulations as a broker between property sellers and investors. Therefore, it is critical to ensure that any investors seeking to invest with Trella Capital must ensure they meet the criteria outlined in their disclaimer, and are sufficiently knowledgeable and experienced in dealing with complex illiquid investments before investing.

We make no guarantees of returns on investments and will only provide information detailing the potential return for the investor. Investment performance depends on a variety of factors such as management, market conditions, timing and a independent third party investigations.

Trella capital does not offer any advice on investments and any decisions an investor makes are their own. Trella capital makes no warranties or representations about the accuracy of the information, opinion, estimates and forecasts provided and cannot be held liable for any losses, issues or any other liabilities resulting from incorrect information or decisions.

Trella capital reserves the right to change and update the terms of service at any point or remove any portion or all of the service at any time without notice. Changes will be implemented on our website and investors should review these terms anytime they log onto the service.

Thank you for considering Trella capital as a property investment broker.


Trella Capital ltd.


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